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Three Questions: ROI for Legal Case Management

Choosing the best legal case management software for your firm can be daunting. However, if you get it right, you’ll be a hero to your firm. In fact, over time, better case management very often has more impact on firm profitability than any single employee or case.

Often, you get what you pay for, so instead of measuring case management software solutions solely by cost, we recommend one considers measuring by return on investment (ROI) as well. The best legal case management software should pay for itself — and then some.

Here are three questions that will help you determine ROI for case management software:

1. How much time does it save?

They say in the business world that time is money. The faster one can move from one case to the next, without sacrificing value, the more profitable your firm will be. Faster results lead to happier clients and more satisfied staff.

(Click here for a great calculator that measures what throughput changes would mean for your firm)

2. Will it lead to better case results?

 lead to better case resultsThe best software solution will help you identify and close better cases upfront, maximize their value through efficient case management, as well as provide valuable management insights throughout the life of the case. GrowPath’s patented lead scoring tool is built into the software, which allows your firm to quickly sort out the high quality cases from low quality ones. It also provides a mechanism for objectively valuing the overall quality of leads from a particular channel. Prioritizing your most valuable cases in a way that’s meaningful to your firm right at intake helps ensure higher value throughout.

3. Do you need other tools in conjunction?

More often than not, cheaper solutions usually means cobbling together other applications to fill holes — this adds up quickly. Many firms do not calculate the total cost of ownership.When determining value, consider whether you have a single solution; for example, do you need a separate intake and/or a separate analytics platform? Will you have to use another program for document management? Do you have to pay for a separate CRM to document client contacts? These costs can add up to hundreds of dollars per user per month if not included in a comprehensive legal practice management platform.

Once you understand the total cost in the aggregate, you can consider ROI. If the math works for you, without sacrificing functionality and efficient workflows, you’ve probably found the right software for your firm. Discussing the purchase decision in terms of ROI is something everyone understands — will it save time and help you earn more than any other solutions? If the answer is yes, then pull the trigger!

When evaluating your options for the best legal case management software for your law firm, we believe GrowPath is worth your consideration. Schedule a demo today!

BONUS: See how GrowPath goes above and beyond to answer all of the questions in this blog!

Case Management
April 23, 2019