Law Firm Client Intake Software: GrowPath vs. Others
If you’re reading this, chances are you already have or are considering a dedicated legal client intake software solution.
That tells me you understand the importance of client intakes in growing a law practice. You understand that finding, engaging, and signing new clients is what drives your law firm’s success. And like any industry leader, you also understand competition. You want to keep your law firm ahead of those like yours by using the best possible tools for the job.
So if there was software that does everything (great features, better usability, and a lower price), you would want to know about it. You’d also want to see how it compares and make sure this new software would fit your needs, but if this new software would take your competitive edge and sharpen it further at no additional cost, you’d be all over it.
How GrowPath Intake Compares to Others
Allow me to introduce you to GrowPath intake, the software my firm relies on to handle all our incoming cases. We looked at one of our major competitors and rejected it and built our own software. We wanted something even better. GrowPath does everything its competitors do to help you connect with clients quickly, but also has these advantages:
Patented Customizable Lead Scoring System
One of the most important parts of intake is identifying high value cases. GrowPath allows you to score your own case leads so you can prioritize the ones that are most important. Using criteria you assign, GrowPath automatically generates a numerical score for new intakes. This means you can immediately measure the quality of your intakes so you know where to focus. This also has the added advantage of giving you an objective idea on what the quality level is of the cases you are signing.
Patented Revenue-Generating BuzzwordsTM Technology
One thing that really sets winning law firms apart is looking closely at intake and finding cases inside existing cases. A “hidden case” might be a potential mass tort from a medical device recall, though the caller is calling for a medmal case. To help your firm find these hidden cases, GrowPath offers a feature called Buzzwords. You set Buzzwords so that as your team takes notes on a case, when a key term appears, like mesothelioma, a Buzzword pops up and prompts staff to ask follow up questions, rather than missing the opportunity.
Easy Integration with Your Firm’s Systems
When you add new software, you want to know it will work well with your firm’s other technology like your website, email system, chat, call centers, and case management. GrowPath delivers seamless connection with these systems without requiring your staff to endlessly copy and paste data.
Integrated Document Management
A great intake process depends on reliable document access and storage. With GrowPath, all documents associated with intakes (like police reports or photos) are stored in the intake record. This means you never need to navigate outside of intake to view key documents.
Patent-pending Automatic Capture of Communications
Great intake depends on great communication. That’s why GrowPath lets you send texts and emails to potential clients from inside the software, and then stores these messages and client responses in the intake record! You won’t have to copy and paste between multiple programs and risk losing a key message.
Deep Analysis of Marketing ROI
Marketing drives your intakes, but you need to know if you’re spending your budget in the right place. GrowPath’s marketing analytics show you how your ad buys across all channels compare to the number of intakes they create. This lets you quickly generate marketing reports showing cost per lead and cost per case by channel in each hour of the day, giving you a clear picture of marketing performance.
Seamless Report Generation and Intake Monitoring
To know how effective your intake department is, you need to measure performance and review the results instantly. GrowPath’s analytics keep track of every new case in your system, and self-generate reports on any process or case you want. You set the parameters, and GrowPath will email you reports on any intakes you designate. This lets you watch selected intakes closely to make sure they don’t fall through the cracks and ensure that the right follow up action is taken.
Continuous Innovation and Lasting Value
When you invest in software, you want to know the company behind it will continue to make that software better. This is why it matters that GrowPath Intake owns its own code and doesn’t build on any other third party software. That means that GrowPath can innovate faster and keep prices lower.
Keep Your Firm’s Competitive Edge with GrowPath
I’ve relied on GrowPath for years, and it has helped my firm become one of the most successful law firms in the country (in a jurisdiction with Contributory Negligence!). Beyond all the features I mentioned, GrowPath offers me peace of mind. I know nothing is falling through the cracks, my staff is empowered with the tools they need, and I have readily-available data to prove my intake department is running smoothly. And now this game-changing software is available to law firms like yours who know the importance of quality case management, and who don’t want to settle for second-rate solutions.
Schedule a demo of GrowPath today to find out. I think you will agree with me that it’s not even close.