Are Mass Torts Leads Hiding in Your Existing Data?
Are Mass Torts Leads Hiding in Your Data and Intakes?
October brings with it the Mass Torts Made Perfect conference, and that always gets us thinking. How many firms out there have dozens or hundreds of possible Mass Tort cases that they could be helping clients with… if only they knew about them?
Some firms advertise heavily for Mass Tort lead generation – but advertising can be costly. Some firms are fortunate enough to stumble into a few. And a few firms just don’t know where to start.
Mass Tort Hide and Seek
After years of looking at data and working with plaintiff’s firms, we’ve got a bead on Mass Tort leads and have developed a couple of surefire ways to find them. And it doesn’t necessarily require huge advertising budgets or a massive disruption of your day-to-day operations.
Both ways rely on law firm data analytics – one in real-time and one in the data you’ve collected over the years. From the moment you speak to a prospective client, you should be collecting data. You shouldn’t stop until their case is closed. Not only could you be missing an opportunity to help them, you could be missing out on a potential case and fee.
Time Is of the Essence
Finding those Mass Tort leads is like mining bitcoin. They’re limited in supply, and first come, first served. Not only do you want to find these cases, you have to act fast – or at least faster than the competition. Therefore, the tools you use must work right now, and they need to be accurate.
There are two primary opportunities to identify Mass Tort cases: at intake, and in your data.
Spotting Potential Mass Tort Leads at Intake: Ask the Right Questions
If you’re not marketing specifically for Mass Torts, you can still catch them if you’re asking the right questions, and follow-up questions, at intake. GrowPath users already know the drill because we use a patented tool no one else has: Buzzwords™.
Buzzwords allow firms to designate certain words that trigger follow-up questions during the intake call to help spot additional case value that aligns with the firm’s strengths and needs. For example:
Firm X is a personal injury firm that has succeeded with defective drug Mass Torts. As a result, the firm sets its Buzzwords around pharmaceuticals prescribed to clients. It may sound something like this:
The firm set painkiller Z as a Buzzword. As soon as the representative enters the drug names in the file, the system immediately offers the intake representative further instructions, questions, or whatever the firm wanted. So that call might continue with something like:
This is just a generalized and simplified example. Almost every large firm has intake representatives who follow a script. Smaller firms can, too. We have clients who rely on GrowPath’s intake tools and smart questionnaires to ensure they’re getting all the relevant information they can on the intake call.
And while that is a simplified example, it really can be that easy.
Spotting Mass Tort Leads in Existing Client Data: Mine Your Own Business
Every law firm produces data that could fill many cabinets of folders. Some could produce that much per day. No matter what case management system, filing system, or data set you use, if you’re collecting data, there’s a chance you have Mass Tort leads just waiting for a call.
If your data is searchable, and your case management system enables you to analyze it – like GrowPath does – you can mine all of that data for Mass Tort cases with existing clients. This sounds obvious to some, but you might be shocked at the number of firms that completely miss these possible cases just because they don’t have a hold on their data.
Let Us Help You Find More Mass Tort Leads
Whether you’re a GrowPath user or not, we have a solution for you, and it could generate significant profit without spending another dime on marketing. And if you do decide to spend money marketing for Mass Torts, you can focus those dollars on new prospects instead of redundantly spending to reach old ones.
Make the right call. GrowPath does make Mass Torts perfect, but we do make it easier to find Mass Tort leads. If you’re curious about what GrowPath can do for you, speak to one of our experts today.