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Benefits of Cloud-Based Case Management Software

According to the American Bar Association’s 2022 Tech Report, cloud usage increased significanlty from 60% to 70%.

Based on this dramatic change in only a year, cloud technology has become a proven platform for law firms of all sizes. However, your firm may still manage your case records and files completely onsite at your office. In that case, it’s natural to feel hesitation about cloud-based case management software.

That said, it’s worth noting your firm probably already relies on cloud-based software. If you use a CRM, view bank accounts online, do legal research, share drafts on Google docs, or rely on Dropbox for storage, then you already use the cloud for your firm’s business. But these technologies are only the beginning. The purpose of this post is to ease your worries about relying on cloud-based legal solutions. To do that, we will show you three ways cloud-based case management software can benefit your firm.

Cloud-Based Case Management Software Speeds Operations and Reduces Mistakes

Every time your paralegals or lawyers need to access or send a document related to a matter, they first have to find it. If your onsite storage is organized into clear folders and drives, this process might take a minute or two. (This assumes your staff regularly updates each case file, which takes additional time.) However, these minutes add up. Because each staff member interacts with hundreds of files every week, hours are lost finding and organizing your case files.

The best, well-designed cloud-based case management solutions solve this problem. The best option is storing all case files in a shared online location that can only be accessed by authorized users. Every document related to a matter can now be found with a simple search. This is clearly superior to clicking through multiple directories. What’s more, this cloud-based file system means everyone on your staff accesses the same version of a file. Such a process removes the risk of mistake created by sharing older drafts of key documents.

By managing your cases on cloud-based software, your firm’s lawyers and paralegals can access key case information faster and with more flexibility. Today’s attorneys need to be able to work and access case information anywhere. Instead of having to be at a computer in order to read case updates, your staff can utilize cloud-based case management to consume key information on any approved device, anywhere.

The result? Cloud-based case management gives you fast and flexible access to the latest versions of key case files. This certainly saves time spent on searching for files. It further reduces the risk of losing a file, thanks to the cloud’s built-in backup system.

Cloud-Based Case Management Software Is More Secure Than Onsite Storage Alone

Yes, you read that right. Sophisticated encryption and security are staples of private cloud technology. Meaning, your case data will be better protected in the cloud than if it were stored onsite at your firm.

Onsite storage of critical case files might seem more secure because you can contain the files on a single hard drive or file cabinet. However, if a burst pipe or adverse weather event destroys that hard drive, your case data is gone. Similarly, if your data is stored on a single computer, a cyberattack aimed at stealing or deleting your files can ruin your business. After all, all it takes is one employee clicking the wrong email link. And, if someone breaks into your law office, it’s much easier to find and remove physical storage than to hack into a private cloud.

Compare this to cloud-based case management software. In the cloud, all your data is backed up in multiple servers in multiple locations. In addition, any access to that data will be governed by strong encryption and security features. The best case management solutions may even have their own patented security technology. Providers of cloud-based legal software take security especially seriously because they know law firms have rigorous confidentiality needs. You can also enable more secure practices for cloud technology, such as two-factor authentication. The idea is to prevent your employees from making mistakes with sensitive case information.

This doesn’t mean onsite storage is obsolete. It’s helpful to back up critical data on hard drives outside the cloud in case you need to restore a previous version (such as if you suffer a ransomware attack). However, this physical storage is not more secure than a private cloud. Thus, it’s best to think of these hardware solutions as contingency plans rather than your go-to options.

Cloud-Based Case Management Software Is More Cost Effective

Cost-efficiency has always been one of the strengths of cloud technology, and cloud-based case management is no exception. Cloud-based software requires no onsite resources besides the device you use to access the internet. As a result, you never need worry about upgrading servers or paying for hardware storage in order to keep your equipment on the cutting edge. The only price you pay for the cloud software is a single subscription fee.

By relying on software providers to manage all the servers and software updates, your firm also never needs to worry about installing the latest versions of case management software. In short, cloud-based case management delivers dual savings:

  1. Eliminating hardware spend on servers and storage, and
  2. Saving you the time spent on maintaining patches and software updates.

Find Out What Cloud-Based Case Management Software Can Do for Your Firm

Legal software in the cloud can deliver better security. It also provides better access to information, better redundancy, and better efficiency than onsite case management. However, it’s important to remember that flexibility is a key part of the cloud.

Your cloud-based case management should be customizable to fit the unique processes and preferences of your firm. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to any practice. What’s more, any cloud-based legal software provider should offer in-depth onboarding and customer service. This is a requirement in making sure you’re getting the right cloud for your needs.

If you’d like to learn more about what cloud-based case management can do for your law firm, one of our experts will be glad to answer any questions you have.

August 08, 2018